Knowledge Mar 28, 2024 U.S. Telecom Industry Outlook for 2024

KDDI America

In this month's issue, we will introduce a summary from the "Outlook for the U.S. Telecommunications Industry in 2024" published by KDDI Research, Inc.

For details, you can download the report HEREopens in a new tab
Please note that only Japanese version is available.

1. U.S. Information and Communications Policy in General
·       The Impact of the Presidential Election on Policies in the Information and Communications Sector
·       Revival of Net Neutrality Rules
·       Authorities' response to the market dominance of major platforms such as Google and Meta
·       Securing the ICT Supply Chain
 ‐ Exclusion of Chinese products, services, and businesses
 ‐ Movement around TikTok
·       The Federal Government's Commitment to AI

2. Beyond 5G/6G

1. U.S. Information and Communications Policy in General

● The Impact of the Presidential Election on Policies in the Information and Communications Sector

- With the presidential election coming up in November, large-scale and new policies that require legislation in Congress are unlikely to be realized.
- The FTC and DOJ will continue to strengthen their scrutiny and enforcement of the market power of major platforms. The ruling in the antitrust lawsuit against Google and others will affect the future activities of the competition authorities.
‐ The FTC has embarked on its first review of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Regulation in 10 years. This initiative is in line with President Biden's policy of protecting children's privacy.

● Revival of Net Neutrality Rules

‐ The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) top priority is to reinstate net neutrality rules*. It is expected to be approved by the summer of 2024.* Net Neutrality Rules:  A 2015 bill that prohibits broadband operators from blocking legal content, limiting speeds, and giving priority treatment for paid users.

● Authorities' Trends in Market Dominance of Major Platforms

‐ The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) continue to strengthen their scrutiny and enforcement of the market power of major platforms. Antitrust lawsuits against the market power of major platforms are expected to be decided in some cases in 2024.

● Securing the ICT Supply Chain

‐ The removal and replacement of telecommunications equipment and services made by Huawei and ZTE has been delayed due to lack of funds. Additional budgetary measures by the federal parliament are being sought.
‐ In response to growing national security and privacy concerns, the federal government and a number of states have banned TikTok from government devices. The federal government also targets government contractor devices.

● The Federal Government's Commitment to AI‐The Biden administration is promoting the responsible development and use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The October 2023 executive order will accelerate efforts by federal agencies, including the development of new standards for AI safety.


2. Beyond 5G/6G

‐ The Next G Alliance (NGA), a private-sector initiative, is exploring 6G.
‐ The NGA plans to provide input to the ITU R in 2024 to reflect the common requirements of the United States in the consideration of global 6G standards.

Next G Alliance
Next G Alliance

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 KDDI America is the US subsidiary of KDDI Corporation, a Fortune Global 500 company and is growing communications carrier with a proven track record in Japan and a longstanding reputation for quality and reliability. KDDI America provides a wide range of High Quality Services such as Communications, Data Centers and Solution Services throughout the world.

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Writer / Interviewer

Daisuke Mitani

KDDI America

Kota Nagase
Marketing Associate

Joined KDDI America, Inc. in January 2023 right after graduating from the University of Houston with a Master's in Marketing. Loves working out, tennis, and fashion. Won a third place in Texas Tennis State Tournament back when he was in a highschool. Always on a look out for his favorite fashion pieces.