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Services Business DX

Line up

A business improvement platform that lets anyone easily create applications
Air Leak Visualization and Monitoring Solution
A solution for visualizing compressed air leaks, compressor performance, and CO2 emissions
A CO2 emissions visualization solution to support decarbonized management
Smart Factory IoT Solution
Make your factories smarter through cutting-edge technologies like IoT and AI
Energy IoT Monitoring Solution
Visualization of energy consumption allows effective cost-cutting
CO2 Visualization Consulting
Consulting partners with a proven track record in supporting carbon neutrality will assist in your sustainable management efforts.
EC Site
Transforming How You Interact with Your Customer
BI (Business Intelligence)
Real-time visualization and multi-faceted analysis of your corporate/factory data
File transfer solution HULFT 8
Get your vital data where it needs to go, safely and securely
VR Safety Training Solution
Enhance safety awareness of personnel using virtual technology

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.