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Services IoT

IoT solutions using KDDI's years of knowledge in M2M, cloud and networking.

As we enter the age of 5G, more and more devices will begin to be connected through IoT technology. Data acquired from sensors and other IoT mechanisms, used together with AI and customization, has the potential to provide lasting improvements to the services businesses provide.

Our IoT solutions address customer concerns such as the following:

We want to start using IoT but don’t know where to begin

We are unable to visualize or analyze our business processes

We are unable to move to paperless operation and face risks associated with dependence on paper

We want to improve the safety and productivity of our remote work areas

We want to reduce costs

Why customers choose KDDI America

Reasonably priced

We create secure IoT systems and enable you to get started with low entry costs and small-scale solutions.

Global IoT solutions

We provide one-stop provision of everything you need for global IoT solutions.

Factory IoT

From visualization of production equipment status to analysis-based fault prediction, we make smart factories a reality.

Provide remote support for your onsite workers

Wearable cameras allow sharing onsite video to better communicate complex situations, enabling direct and intuitive remote support.

Real-time management of your vehicle fleet

Cut costs, prevent accidents by detecting reckless driving, and improve transport efficiency.

As a “digital integrator” in the age of IoT,
KDDI America is ready to support customers
in their digital transformation journeys.

Line up

Make full use of the SORACOM IoT Platform
Cariot with KDDI
Just plug, and drive. Simple installation. Real-time vehicle management.

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.