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Business Support Tool Omni-Channel Messaging Service - Solutions

Deliver your message to customers through multiple channels

Omni Channel Messaging Solutions

1. Bank Statement notifications / Questionnaire after an accident

  • Target Industry

Bank, Insurance company

  • Summary

Send Bank SMS notifications to the end users to reduce the risk of delayed payment and response.

Provide instant and appropriate support after an accident with quick SMS questionnaire.

2. Additional tour offer

  • Target Industry

Travel Agencies

  • Summary

Text customers with a hot deal or special tour offer during the travel.

3. SMS chat for customer support

  • Target Industry


  • Summary

Simple contents such as information requests or customer inquires are answered via SMS distribution. Contents that cannot be handled programmatically are guided to the operator.

4. Coupons & Promo codes / Appointment Reminders

  • Target Industry

Restaurant, Retail, Hair & Beauty

  • Summary

Send special coupons via text message to
increase sales.

Send text messages to the end users to remind them of an upcoming appointment or reservation.

5. Job opportunity follow-ups

  • Target Industry

Recruitment agencies

  • Summary

Send messages to inform candidates of New Job Opening.
Enhance real-time communications with job seekers.

With a 14-day free trial you get service

SMS and email channels enables for communication via Web Interface or API connection.
Improve your BtoC, BtoB communication and enhance customer engagement by utilizing Omni channel messaging service.

Omni-Channel Messaging Service eBook can be downloaded for free

Learn how BtoC and BtoB industries are using omnichannel communications to reconceptualize customer experience

After clicking the button below, you will be redirected to the PDF download form. There, please fill out the require fields. A download link will be sent to the email address you enter.


What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.