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Press Release Jun 23, 2021 TELEHOUSE America’s Staten Island Data Center Delivers World-Class Interconnection Ecosystem and End-to-End Cloud Capabilities

KDDI America


TELEHOUSE America a leading provider of carrier-neutral data centers and a subsidiary of KDDI, announces colocation availability at its Tier III Teleport (Staten Island) data center. For a limited time, new tenants can enjoy the first and last months of colocation at no cost.

This data center offer is further enhanced by the company’s end-to-end cloud services, which include cloud migration, hybrid-cloud planning and provisioning, along with high-speed transactional connectivity services. Tenants can also leverage an extensive interconnection ecosystem through access to the TELEHOUSE NYIIX — one of the world’s largest internet exchanges. These assets, combined with TELEHOUSE America’s customer lifecycle management advantages, position clients for success with a seamless gateway to digital transformation.

The 162,000-square-foot, thoroughly compliant data center is purpose-built as a resilient, secure disaster recovery facility. The data center is carrier-neutral, delivering high levels of connectivity to neighboring data centers, as well as office space available for tenant use. The true value of this facility, however, lies in its role as a nexus for cloud connectivity and interconnection through its on-premises IX (Internet Exchange) offering. TELEHOUSE America’s NYIIX currently has more than 250 member networks connected and peering, exhibiting more than 1 Tbps in peak traffic.

Building upon this cloud and connectivity offering is access to KDDI America’s wide variety of IT solutions, which enable clients to enhance their regional and global connectivity with end-to-end digital transformation capabilities. As a single source for an array of mission-critical offerings, TELEHOUSE America and KDDI America ensure maximized ease of consumption and agility for organizations looking to strengthen their data strategies.

While many data center providers merely offer connectivity to the cloud, allying with TELEHOUSE America means benefitting from one-stop-shop cloud migration alongside robust cloud connections. KDDI America’s partnerships with the world’s leading hyperscale public cloud providers, including Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services, help organizations easily meet their evolving business objectives.

“Success in today’s rapidly evolving digital environment calls for more than just infrastructure with space, power and connectivity — it demands an IT partner that can guide organizations through to their end goals with holistic customer lifecycle management capabilities — both internally and externally,” comments Milad Abdelmessih, Vice President of Business Development, Marketing and Sales for KDDI America and TELEHOUSE America. “KDDI America is uniquely positioned to help our data center clients with the digital connectivity they need in order to expand their business — while also delivering strategic access to a suite of additional IT necessities.”

Trusted data center provider TELEHOUSE America and ICT solution services provider KDDI America together serve as clients’ strategic gateway to digital transformation. Clients gain competitive advantages through end-to-end access to the necessary elements of robust customer lifecycle management — whether for internal users or for provisioning the last-mile of end user experience.

To take advantage of two free months of colocation, contact TELEHOUSE here.
To learn more about TELEHOUSE America, please click please click here.
To learn more about KDDI America, please click here.


A stable and trusted pioneer of carrier-neutral data center services, TELEHOUSE provides secure, power-protected environments, where clients house and operate their telecommunications and network resources. Among the many benefits of colocating with TELEHOUSE is the ability to connect to state-of-the-art peering exchanges (NYIIX) in New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles. Additionally, The global availability of over 40 TELEHOUSE branded data centers in 10+ countries worldwide throughout Asia, North America and EMEA, delivers continuous, cost-effective operation of network-dependent, IT infrastructure to businesses around the world.

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