

  • フォームに必要事項を入力し、「送信する」ボタンをクリックしてください。
  • 当社からのご連絡が必要な場合、内容によっては回答までにお時間をいただく場合がございます。
  • ご入力いただきましたお客さまの個人情報は、当ホームページのプライバシーポリシーに則り適切に取り扱います。
  • 当社からの返答内容につきましては、無断転載・引用することを固くお断りいたします。

オンライン申込みは個人名での利用申込みに限らせていただきます。(企業名での申込みには所定の書面が必要ですので、弊社カスタマーサポート センター又は営業担当までお問合せください)


  1. KDDI America customer support center will contact you regarding credit card number and Social Security Number (SSN)
  2. The Customer/undersigned hereby orders the above noted KDDI Ichiban TALK service and understands that KDDI America shall provide same, subject to the terms and conditions stated and referenced herein, and the Customer shall accept and pay for all KDDI Ichiban TALK services (the "Services"), subscribed to and utilized by the Customer. The Services shall be provided pursuant to the rates, terms, and conditions noted in this KDDI Ichiban TALK Order Form, and any other applicable agreement, including but not limited to KDDI America, Inc.'s Master Agreement Applicable to International Telecommunications Services (available on www.kddia.comNew Window), as modified, amended and revised from time to time (the "Master Agreements"). This Agreement incorporates by reference the terms of such applicable Master Agreements. Customer hereby accepts all of the aforementioned terms and conditions, and certifies that all the information provided in this application are correct and true, and applies for the Services noted above by signing below. The Customer's signature below constitutes Customer's written consent of and subscription to KDDI Ichiban TALK services.